iHerb寫評價賺獎勵金,最高10美金-購物時使用iHerb iHerb折扣碼CTB3575新客戶、舊客戶都可使用,可與部分iHerb站內已提供的折扣加疊,折上折更優惠,結帳時要記得輸入喔。

iHerb折扣碼CTB3575 結帳前記得輸入-iherb code CTB3575


iHerb評價並賺取高達 10 美元!

只要您購買iHerb的商品,您即可針對已購買的產品提供商品評論,您發佈的每條商品評論都可在審核通過 48 小時後獲得 1 美元獎勵金。另外,您收到的每個點讚都可獲得 0.1 美元獎勵金,最多可以獲得 10 美元。
Review the products you have purchased at iHerb, and get $1.00 USD in Rewards credit 48 hours after your review is approved. Plus, get $0.10 USD in Rewards Credit for each helpful vote, up to $10.00.
Reviews can be positive or negative. Just make sure they are as informative as possible. The more informative and useful they are for other customers, the more helpful votes they will get.



回答並賺取高達 10 美元!越分享,越優惠

回答其他顧客或訪客發佈的關於您曾購買過的產品的問題,您的答案每得到一次點讚,您將獲得 0.1 美元獎勵金,最高可獲得 20 美元。
提示:每個用戶每 24 小時內送出的前 5 個讚(有幫助投票)才有資格計算成獎勵金,每個用戶在前 5 個讚之後送出的讚都將只會被當成普通點讚,而無法為回答問題的用戶產生任何獎勵金。
Answer questions posted by other customers or visitors regarding the products you have purchased in the past, and get $0.10 USD in Rewards Credit for each helpful vote your answer gets, up to $10.00.
The more informative and useful they are for other customers, the more helpful votes they will get.
Note: Only the first 5 helpful votes received from each customer every 24 hours is monetized. Any votes from the customer after the first 5 votes given will be counted as votes only and the customer who wrote the answer will not receive the Rewards Credit.



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